Malibu Hotdogs

AKA “DaBu Dogs!”

If you know me, you know I am not a foodie.  My very good friends are, however, which makes meal time fun.  My foodie friend, Barb, is the co-creator of a great website called  I am their photographer and I can assure you that all items photographed are real and always eaten after the photo shoot.  Not only is Barb a foodie, she is also very frugal.  Waste not want not.  She also always makes sure I am taken care of at meal times.  Which is why this photo shoot cracks me up.  If you look closely at the bottom right hand corner of the picture you will see a plain hotdog under there.  That one was for me.  She didn’t think it would show up.  Hah!  A little yellow mustard is all I need on a hotdog!  If you want the recipe for the fancy DaBu dog, please check out their site…  Might just be a hit at your 4th of July party!

Malibu HOtdog